Pen Paper

The manifestation of the rapid progress of Globalization in the modern era and accelerated exchanges of local and international trade and the resulting increase in trade disputes in recent years, a new impetus to both national and international arbitration, who heads to be which tool natural to resolve disputes between the economic operators , where the judiciary has shown its limitations in this area in different countries.

Began the Arab Society of Arbitration for many years , as part of this wide movement, a process aimed at modernizing economic professional justice, by editing the document preparation Arabic arbitration society, which is based too much on the law of reference for the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law ( UNICTRAL ).

In return to the conciliation and arbitration which descends of the traditions of international trade and communities as well as in all civilizations throughout history. It's in the modern era that this is the best way to resolve trade disputes. it is easily clear that , has Conciliation and Arbitration proven their obvious advantages , recently has proved for all human rights activists and lawyers that are more flexible and confidential roads , fast and affordable.

On the other hand , the vocational technical arbitrator and his own contentious and high professionalism on that lack of agreement circumstantial and temporary rather than a confrontation inevitably , are two factors ensure for parties a good solution to the dispute , leaving behind the door open for the continuation of labor relations and business , and this is the most important mostly just disputed than the case , as well as the a development for modern economic relations between businessmen.
