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Engineering is the highest body at Arab Arbitration Society AAS

Engineering is the highest body at Arab Arbitration Society AAS, and works to draw strategies and policies, and decide on the allocation of resources to its various programs and approved and adoption of engineers and workers in the engineering sector.

Where the Council will work to achieve the goals of the compound and its overall objectives as set out in the rules of procedure of the Society:

A. Organization of practicing engineering professions in order to increase their level of scientific and professional and use in packing the economic and cultural nationalism.

B. Defend the interests of the members and their dignity and maintain the traditions and honor of the profession.

C. Upgrading of scientific and professional workers in the engineering sector and stimulate and support scientific research engineering.

D. Contribute to the planning and development of education and training programs and industrial engineering, professional, and work to raise the efficiency of workers in the field of engineering.

E. Contribute to the study of topics of common nature between the Arab and Islamic countries and others and the exchange of information, experience and engineering publications among them.

And. Urged trade unions and associations of engineers in the Arab states to secure a decent life for engineers and their families in cases of disability, aging and other cases of forced.

G. Work on the entire Society and helps the Council to achieve their goals professional.

H. Cooperation and coordination with the official authorities in the countries of the Middle East Council as an advisory body in the field of specialization.

I. The involvement of professional associations Engineering Arab, Islamic and international membership in the compound.

Needs all of these goals into programs and plans and great efforts to achieve them. The Council is composed of five members, and can be completed for up to ten other members. Council normally meets every 4 months, and there are additional meetings are held if the need arises.